Martha Beck Quotes
Text Quotes
I have come to believe that there are infinite passageways out of the shadows, infinite vehicles to transport us into the light (Martha Beck Quotes)
I really do think that any deep crisis is an opportunity to make your life extraordinary in some way (Martha Beck Quotes)
If you want to end your isolation, you must be honest about what you want at a core level and decide to go after it (Martha Beck Quotes)
Most of my clients don’t realize that the way they look and the way they think about their looks are two separate issues (Martha Beck Quotes)
No matter how difficult and painful it may be, nothing sounds as good to the soul as the truth (Martha Beck Quotes)
Polite strangers often tell soothing lies about our physical appearance that prevent many of us from facing, discussing and solving our real problems (Martha Beck Quotes)
Use anything you can think of to understand and be understood, and you’ll discover the creativity that connects you with others (Martha Beck Quotes)
Emotional discomfort, when accepted, rises, crests and falls in a series of waves. Each wave washes a part of us away and deposits treasures we never imagined. Out goes naivete, in comes wisdom; out goes anger, in comes discernment; out goes despair, in comes kindness. No one would call it easy, but the rhythm of emotional pain that we learn to tolerate is natural, constructive and expansive... The pain leaves you healthier than it found you (Martha Beck Quotes)
Imagine what you’d do if it absolutely didn’t matter what people thought of you. Got it? Good. Never go back (Martha Beck Quotes)
Bad artists ignore the darkness of human existence. Good artists often get stuck there. Great artists embrace the full catastrophe of our condition and find beyond it an even deeper truth of peace, healing, and redemption (Martha Beck Quotes)
Menders of all times and places have taught that silencing the thoughts in our heads and opening to the experience of the body and emotions is the basis of all healing. It’s the only means by which we can reclaim our true nature or feel the subtle cues telling us how to find our way through life (Martha Beck Quotes)
If you’d rather live surrounded by pristine objects than by the traces of happy memories, stay focused on tangible things. Otherwise, stop fixating on stuff you can touch and start caring about stuff that touches you (Martha Beck Quotes)
To live a life that is wrong for you is a form of dying. There are people who have lives that look perfect. They try to be happy, they believe they should be happy, they are trying to like it, but if it’s off course from their north star, they aren’t satisfied (Martha Beck Quotes)
Rest until you feel like playing, then play until you feel like resting, period. Never do anything else (Martha Beck Quotes)
Instead of fretting about getting everything done, why not simply accept that being alive means having things to do? Then drop into full engagement with whatever you’re doing, and let the worry go (Martha Beck Quotes)
I’d like to help repair the earth’s ecosystems, and to fully live until I’m fully dead (Martha Beck Quotes)
To make an activity joyful, keep adding things until the activity as a whole becomes more appealing than repulsing (Martha Beck Quotes)
You get social pressure from your parents, who teach you to pay attention to certain things and not to others. You get it in school (Martha Beck Quotes)
I always felt that it was my job to try to help other people get it and deal with it (Martha Beck Quotes)
I don’t believe that there are no spiritual beings around us. I don’t know what to call them, I don’t know how they work. But I know they’re there (Martha Beck Quotes)
If you’re living completely on your own, break out of solitary confinement. Seek to understand others, and help them understand you (Martha Beck Quotes)